И.Шамир : I am fucked.

16:34  20-05-2005
Хватит "песать и четать пра вотку, бап и шышки", займитесь ликбезом - иногда бывает занимательно и полезно. Это ж не идиш, это простенький английский.

Вот какое мыло я получил от шефа сегодня с утра. И печально стало мне.


Illicit Drugs


From Cris Ham, Chief Clerk

For attention: all staff

1. Reminder that use or possession of illicit drugs cannot be tolerated. Offenders will be subject to disciplinary proceedings. Family members must observe the same standards.

2. The last circular to issue on this subject was No. 184 of 30 May 1990. A restatement of the president's position on illicit drugs is overdue. This circular supercedes the 1990 circular.

3. Although attitudes in society towards the use of some illicit drugs may have changed over the last decade, it remains the case that the use or possession of such drugs, including cannabis/marijuana, is illegal in the UK as in many other countries. It follows that the possession or use of illicit drugs by our staff is unacceptable and constitutes a disciplinary offence. Medical and Welfare (tel. Ext.0609) can advise those with a drug problem on where to obtain specialist help and advice.

4. Staff should be aware that those who offend overseas could face prosecution by the local authorities if it is decided to waive immunity. Whether or not immunity is waived, such an offence could result in withdrawal from job, with the person being required to refund a proportion of costs incurred. It will certainly lead to disciplinary action against the offender which could, depending on the circumstances, lead to dismissal for gross misconduct. Drug misuse may also lead to withdrawal of an associate's Developed Vetting status or other security clearance.

5. Family members accompanying staff serving overseas are likewise expected to observe both UK law and local laws and regulations. They should not, by their actions, bring discredit on the Post and the Company. Please draw this to the attention of your family members, and in particular to any teenage dependants at Posts where drugs may be readily available. We will take a very serious view of any drug misuse. In such an event we may, depending on the circumstances, need to ask that the dependant concerned leaves Post, even if the local authorities do not request their withdrawal.

6. Conduct rules drawn up locally for local staff should explicitly or implicitly include warnings about drug misuse, and should be circulated annually.

7. This Circular should be seen by all staff at home and overseas and copied to the induction pack handed to all new arrivals. It should be circulated annually.

8. Any enquiries about this Circular should be addressed to Conduct and Discipline Section, Personnel Policy, Room 2/76, Tel. Ext. 1455.