Йухансон. : Those Russians!

13:13  20-05-2003
Да это и не креатив даже. Просто коллега, англичанец, поехал давеча в Первопрестольную то ли за солью и спичками, то ли взятку кому повёз - не знаю. Короче, вот какое мыло он только что прислал.

(далее следует текст по-английски)

"Yesterday I went to a flea market in the deep suburbs of Moscow
I have never seen so many CD stalls in my life. Heaven!!
If I had stayed long enough in the market I could have seen the new Matrix Reloaded film for free (is it released yet I wonder?)- 4 pounds for the DVD!!!
On leaving the market I heard "Dilemma" by Nelly and Kelly sung by two Russian imitators.
On joining the metro train our carriage had a man selling rubber gloves. He spoke for several minutes before peddling through the carriage. I mean how or what can you say about such surgical items for so long?
On the ride back into the city I had on one side of me a smartly dressed and proud looking war veteran decorated
with medals of all colours, and on my other side a keen purchaser of 3 pairs of rubber gloves. Bizarre.
On arrival back at Pulkovo Airport here fellow passengers burst into applause once the plane touched down safely. This is not unusual but this was an internal flight from Moscow. Do they know something I do not?
On grinding to a halt the ground staff man who comes to check the plane once it has stopped, arrived on his bicycle.
On leaving the airport I saw a gang of navvies tarmac-ing the car park. It was past 11.30pm.

That's all for now... so far.


Радуюсь я: какие мы всё-таки загадочные!